AIM is a Nation Building African Cultural Organization dedicated to the upliftment of the descendants of Africa by means of education, information, unity, cultural identification, and do-for-self business. Our membership includes, but is not limited to, Muslims, Moslems, Nuwaupian, Nation of Gods & Earths, NOI, Israelite, Yoruba (Santeria; Vodun & Candomble), Pan-Africanists, Garveyites, Asiatics, Christians, Khemetian, ancestor worshippers and/or Afrikan Universalists. The AIM is a profound advocator and propagator of African people’s human rights, African people’s freedom, African people’s dignity and the rights to self-determination of all descendants of the African diaspora.

Our leadership are Muslim (those who recognize a one Creator concept) and regard the true practice of this ancient religion, called Islam (Peace), as African derived going back to the beginning of time. It is our opinion that Islam can only be properly understood from an Afri-centered historical perspective, which has the basics of tolerance and unification of our African human family and Islam is NOT the only means of a system for the African family to develop and prosper. We do not ascribe compulsion to adhering to any system of guidance or spirituality and Islam must be chosen by free will.

Our unifying Muslim character is identified by acknowledging the universal African religious ontology concept of a single intelligent non-human Force, self-existing and whose power sustains the universe. All human beings are a part of that Force that created ALL creation that we know and don’t know. It is that Existence that created matter, consciousness, senses, intellect, and reasoning. AIM acknowledges that earthly beings use their particular regional or ancestral language system to give this single Creation Force a name or attribute e.g. Allah, Yahowah, Olodumere, Ra, Mulungu, Ngewo, Supreme Being, The All, etc.

The term “God” in Africa looks at this Supreme Existence as having no equal or not like it and being the only One Existence of its sort. Africans see the Creation Force as transcendent; it means that (a) the Creation Force is not limited to a particular place and time as human beings are. (b) It means that the Creation Force lives outside the natural world in which human beings live. (c) It also means that human beings can never fully comprehend the will or thought of the Creation Force which is beyond our understanding. (d) It further means that the Creation Force is always there first. The ancient Khemetic people of the Nile Valley were the first known writers who wrote about this concept via Amenhotep IV i.e. Ankhenaten (1352-1336 BCE).

What one particular tribe or nation language uses for god-title has little significance to the AIM.

Our AIM membership is open to all original melaninated people who are descendants of Mother Africa regardless of where they reside on planet earth, or their belief system, or cultural practice.